Sunday, November 9, 2014

To Work with Relatives and Friends...yes or no?

I think we have all heard about the "big warning"- DON'T open a business or work with a close relative or friend! 
We probably have all heard one or two horror stories, family break-ups, lawsuits in our time... but what do so many of us do?
We end up working with brothers and sisters, cousins and uncles, close friends and neighbors, it makes sense, doesn't it, that in a world in which you need to trust people the people who are closest to you can be trusted the most. 
And that is traditionally called "family and friends".

In a recent mastermind meeting we tackled this subject, as it was a topic raised by one of our members and the truth be told- there were different opinions and experiences. 
One thing that was unanimously agreed upon was that the issue is a sensitive one that must be addressed ahead of time, either between the parties alone or with the assistance of an outside professional (coach, consultant, business partner, for example). 
The mastermind was a great platform to get a lot of relevant information and experience in an intensive way within a positive and "results-oriented" framework.

In the end family is sometimes stronger than anything else, so if you want a family and want friends you need to work at making it happen.

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