Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Are you aware where your time is going?

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. -- William Penn
Here is an interesting observation I have noted in coaching hundreds of people over the last 11+ years- most of us really don't know where are time is going!
We THINK we know, since we plan, coordinate and invite others to engage with us around schedules, but that is planning and NOT executing!
 In this age of smartphone and smart-everything, I am afraid that we have all become less "smart", time is being stolen from us by "What's Ap" groups that never end, e mails that never stop, facebook posts, a buzzer here, a ping there- most of our time is being lost to people and things we never 
even invited them to come in!

There is the plethora of data, temptation, video EVERYWHERE and so much of our time just goes, and goes and goes…
I have seen myself as a "bad guy" on many occasions with coaching clients whom I have quickly realized are "hooked" by the system and need to get out.

We need to take hold of this, it has already taken a hold of us but we are still breathing. Time is way too valuable to leave it up to chance. It is what limits us most and what we will miss the most when it runs out.