Monday, October 3, 2011

Are you a Jumper or a Planner?

There's a nice old adage attributed to Robert Benchley that says the following:
"There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don't"… Obviously, there are way more than two types of people for anything.

But paradoxically, I must say that I do find that there are two stereotypical types of people we often see pursuing a new business or life venture.
There are the JUMPERS who jump right into running their business and marketing their products and services with little or no planning.  Jumpers thrive on energy, enthusiasm and improbable luck. They like the "intuitive" side of it all and kind of make it up as they go along. Often they are great optimists, sometimes very charismatic and hard to challenge because they will often put you in the corner as "negative".

And then there are the PLANNERS- they who plan a strategy -- and a service or product design -- before they ever dream of offering it to the public.
Plan and Plan and plan, that's what you often find them doing. It may be on the most insignificant of details but there they are, analyzing and debilitating which way to go, why and how can we be sure…with these dear folks one can sometimes forget that the business is not about planning but the reason we plan is to be able to be successful in opening the business itself.

So, which way to go? I have found that a certain amount of planning is really important in order to get you moving, especially if you’re starting a new business or launching a new product or service.  The time you spend with research and working through possible alternatives and scenarios, as well as the time you spend thinking about how you might handle them, will reap huge rewards later on. And by doing this work and going through the process, one gains confidence and motivation to do what one has set out to do.

On the other hand, over-planning is a great way to get into inaction, and to get stuck real quick.  Have you ever encountered the phrase “Analysis Paralysis” ?
It's a great one -- the inability to move forward on a project because you feel you don’t have all the facts, and the unwillingness to move forward until you’re 100% sure of success.
Every entrepreneur, or "aware individual"  for that matter, will tell you that there’s no such thing as being 100% sure of anything.

We need the Jumpers in business or in life in general--- they allow us to see how flexible things can be and they are great creators of  enthusiasm and passion. 
Jumping allows one to be 85% sure and then go for it.  Good jumping is action, combined with knowledge, courage and trust.

I find that Jumpers are at their best when some planners have been with them for some time- perhaps a consultant, a coach, a colleague or a family member.  
Jumping is a great way to go if you have come clear with yourself what your financial foundation is, how you are going to get your first validation, testimonial and early cash flow.
If you have that in order, go for it…and take out that plan from time to time to make sure you are on the map.

In the end we need both- the Jumpers and the Planners to make things happen.
Once again the "middle way" rings true.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Living with Gypsies in Romania…the Fear Factor

I just returned from a wonderful week's holiday with family in Romania- hiking in the hills and spending a few days as paying guests in a Gypsy (Roma) village.

Now I know what you're saying- "Who is stupid and careless enough to spend a vacation in such a dangerous place? !".
After all, every third person you will meet who has ever traveled in Europe will have his "Gypsy story", of how he was robbed, almost robbed, hassled and taken aback by small kids trying- and often succeeding- in pickpocketing him.

Well, here is the thing:
I did not go without some preparation, in fact I was careful to coordinate all this via a very reputable and unique tour operator, American- lead Tzigania tours. 
I did take precaution and investigated a bit before I jumped, but that is not my point here. We had a superb time and we were treated very hospitably, warmly in the houses (and outhouses!) of the Gypsy families, made real-life contact, played with the children, were fed more than we needed and given only the best of treatment.
What we had to contend with- and that is the same with most people who will hear the word "Gypsy" is the FEAR of Gypsies and all that emanates from this.

My friends, fear is fear is fear, we all have it, we all produce it and we all need to OVERCOME it!
I am not saying that we need not hesitate, abstain from, take precautions and all that, but that in more cases than not, our biggest problem is not all this but in actually MOVING AHEAD WHILE FEAR IS WITHIN US!
We all know it: not talking, writing, initiating, responding, changing, etc., because we FEAR- criticism, failure, success, letting someone down, being unlike all others, not towing the party line, and so on.

In my life I have noticed that 9 out of 10 times my fear is unfounded or at least exaggerated. What about you? Have you ever taken account of this?
I suggest we all do.
It can be the trigger that will release a lot of energy to live, to work, to start up and move on. Watch out for fear, it can do us much more harm than good, when it moves into areas where it should not be.

I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened. (Mark Twain)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Creativity is an "inside job"

Everyone wants to think of something new, businesses try and encourage creativity by giving bonuses, having brainstorming meetings and talking a lot about creativity.
But is that the way to encourage creativity?
In my mind it is not! In order for people to call forth their natural creative selves, what is needed is a supportive environment, intriguing and challenging questions and a mindset that is not afraid to "be wrong".
The only way to "be creative" is to take down the barriers, the templates, the expectations and the authority above you and connect to "real freedom".
I think we also tend to overlook that creativity comes from focusing our attention on something we really want and care about.
Less talk about bonus rewards, more respect for natural dialogue that listens to people and helps them to listen to themselves…in the end we will be able to call forth the natural, creative power in all of us. Not only will we gain but so will our organizations and the world itself!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Move it ahead 10%

Remember when you were going up that mountain and it looked SO far away and SO out of reach?
Do you remember complaining and worrying about how you were going to get up that thin? Well, you might not remember but many of us do…and we also probably remember that the worrying and complaining did not do us very much.
This is not any different that what happens to most people who want to make "big changes" and reach "big achievement" here and now.
Actually, what defeats so many people and makes them fail in their "New Year Resolutions" is that they see the "all or nothing" paradigm as the way to go forward.
Dangerous… if you really observe how things move ahead and how progress is made you will notice that it is normally little by little, inch by inch, stage by stage.
That is why I often encourage my clients to take the "10% perspective" on things:
What is it that you can do to move the project ahead by 10%?
Suddenly I find that the client moves ahead, things systematically, manages expectations and capitalizes on small successes.
Taking joy from the process and not just from the results is a small "secret" that many successful people abide by.
These small victories fuel continued efforts which is the basis for making things happen.
Move it ahead by 10% and enjoy the process!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to Push your Career forward? Start by Believing in Yourself!

If you ask me, there is always one point everyone can start from which any career can move forward- believing in one's self!
Sounds  kind of fluffy and "New-agey"? Perhaps, but is also very much "Old-agey", feet-on-the-ground, I have found it wherever I have gone and with whomever I have been in touch.
There is something about a person aligning him or herself with what they do that transmits to others a sense of strength and purpose that always makes a mark.

Hey, let's not confuse this with over-confidence, aggressiveness and pop-psychology affirmations- I am talking about genuine belief in one's self.
When you are there you know it, it shows up, in your speech, body language, writing, tone of voice, facial gestures and who knows what more.
With some it is pure charisma, with others it might be tenacity, perseverance, inspiration, among others.
But whatever it is, go out and find it- trust me it will take you much farther than some more tools in that virtual "toolbox" you have been collecting.
Tools are things and techniques. I am talking about the "big mamma", that which sits inside your mind and body and moves things around.

Push that career forward- do it from within and you'll be amazed what will start happening around you.

And YOU will make them happen!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Write it Down!

One day soon I bet people will just forget how to write. Amazing, ay? How in one generation or so people have lost confidence or need for pencils and pens and by the keyboard alone they live.
I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but what interests me more is not how we record things but why people just don't seem to want to put it down on paper (or "virtual paper") and that's a shame.
When you write things down they seem to somehow "move themselves".
And the more significant these things are the less people seem to do it- how many people do you know who write down their life plan, family plan, health plan, etc.?
If you say the word "business plan" something goes off in the brain which sees lots of numbers, long documents, fancy graphics or whatever, all seems somewhat threatening and tiresome.
However, writing down is not just a good habit, it is probably much closer to being ESSENTIAL than you would think!
Writing down your goals, ideas and commitments make them real for you. Every step you take to define what you want and what you need to do to get it increases the chances that you will actually pursue these goals and something will really happen.
Research has shown all this to be true: people who regularly keep a journal or some kind of written record pertaining to their aspirations are 32% more likely to feel they are making progress in their lives (Howatt 1999).
And we all know if someone FEELS they are making progress they are probably DOING something about it!
I have seen it in myself, in my clients who may be dealing with a change they need to make, a problem they need to solve or a dream they want to bring about.