Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Mind-Changing Experiment on Racism…

This is one of the most moving and mind-changing "experiments on racism" I have ever seen! The original film is over an hour---watch it 14 minutes through- it will shake up some of those marbles...

"Watch A Teacher Make Her 3rd-Grade Kids Hate Each Other…"

Monday, August 5, 2013

SMS and coming late

I like this post from HBR---I think people misuse messaging to do and come late to meetings too easily---it is often not well-understood and appreciated. Bad habit....


Don’t Be Late for That Meeting

When you can text or email a colleague and let her know you’re running late, it’s easy to push back meetings.
This ability to quickly communicate is helpful when you’re unavoidably detained, but overusing it has costs.
One study found that staff lateness costs the UK economy £9 billion per year. There's something to be said for old-fashioned punctuality.
Sixty years ago, it was important to keep commitments because there was less opportunity to reschedule on the fly.
But even in this era of always-on technologies, being on time is important. It keeps you focused. It conveys to others that you’re reliable.
And it shows respect for the people who don’t have to waste their time waiting on you.