Sunday, May 22, 2016

​One Good Thing, Just One Good Thing!

For years now- over a decade actually- I have been running group "masterminds" of businesspeople (both men and women), managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, who come together for all kinds of powerful, authentic conversation. 
I love these groups, they are so much different from what I usually see "out there", there is the awesome effect of generating "collective wisdom" along with listening and all kinds of other goodies…

Here is the number one tip I can share about this kind of gathering, it is so simple that it sounds like "Duh….", but I can assure you that in 90% of organizational settings out there you won’t find it. 
It is…."Start with one good thing!" Yes, one good thing, one good thing that you did, that happened to you, that touched your life, talk about that for 2 minutes with another person in the room and then switch sides.

What's the big deal you may ask? To me, it is a VERY big deal, because we are so accustomed to going zombie-like from one place to the next always in search of "What is wrong?!". 
We are forever chasing the 100 on the test we should have gotten and don't remember that 92, 81 and even 51 out of 100 means that there is more "right" than "wrong"! 
We are in a constant negative state of mind which brings us to criticism, apprehension, a "downward spiral" of energy and so on. 
When you ask a person to talk at semi-length about "one good thing" and then listen to others do the same, you generate a different kind of dynamic, a different kind of energy.

After all if you are reading these words chances are very high that most things in your body and mind work rather perfectly, even if there are places, organs and conditions which may not be what they used to be. 
It is life, life which has so much of so much, if we do recognize the power of positive energy in our thinking, being and interacting processes we can really take things to places which we may never have discovered in the "What went wrong?" processes.

No doubt, we are talking about a balance, a convergence of things and not "absolute monarchy". 
But, please, will you give it a try? Will you give it a try and reach out to yourself and to others and ask- "What is one good thing you have done recently?"