Saturday, October 1, 2011

Living with Gypsies in Romania…the Fear Factor

I just returned from a wonderful week's holiday with family in Romania- hiking in the hills and spending a few days as paying guests in a Gypsy (Roma) village.

Now I know what you're saying- "Who is stupid and careless enough to spend a vacation in such a dangerous place? !".
After all, every third person you will meet who has ever traveled in Europe will have his "Gypsy story", of how he was robbed, almost robbed, hassled and taken aback by small kids trying- and often succeeding- in pickpocketing him.

Well, here is the thing:
I did not go without some preparation, in fact I was careful to coordinate all this via a very reputable and unique tour operator, American- lead Tzigania tours. 
I did take precaution and investigated a bit before I jumped, but that is not my point here. We had a superb time and we were treated very hospitably, warmly in the houses (and outhouses!) of the Gypsy families, made real-life contact, played with the children, were fed more than we needed and given only the best of treatment.
What we had to contend with- and that is the same with most people who will hear the word "Gypsy" is the FEAR of Gypsies and all that emanates from this.

My friends, fear is fear is fear, we all have it, we all produce it and we all need to OVERCOME it!
I am not saying that we need not hesitate, abstain from, take precautions and all that, but that in more cases than not, our biggest problem is not all this but in actually MOVING AHEAD WHILE FEAR IS WITHIN US!
We all know it: not talking, writing, initiating, responding, changing, etc., because we FEAR- criticism, failure, success, letting someone down, being unlike all others, not towing the party line, and so on.

In my life I have noticed that 9 out of 10 times my fear is unfounded or at least exaggerated. What about you? Have you ever taken account of this?
I suggest we all do.
It can be the trigger that will release a lot of energy to live, to work, to start up and move on. Watch out for fear, it can do us much more harm than good, when it moves into areas where it should not be.

I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened. (Mark Twain)

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