Sunday, November 8, 2015

Aikido- after so many years

It's amazing to me- 25 years after I stopped doing Aikido on the mats, 29 years after I was doing it intensively in Japan, I went to an Aikido celebration in nearby Kfar Saba and.... felt as if I had never left! 

Something about the art of aikido, the movement, the spirit, the things that went so deep for those few years in Japan have never left me perhaps... so much so that I even flirted with the idea of a "comeback"- something that I won't do. 

Life has moved on to new and different paths. Apparently learning is like that- one builds one layer after another, one experience builds the other. 

The spirit of Aikido- collaboration, non-violence, working with others and not against, becoming centered and strongly rooted- resonate today as it did 30 years ago!