Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Are we Building Trust?

Recently I came upon a fascinating article that quoted social psychology research as saying that Americans trust each other, their organizations and governments a great deal less than in the past. 
Another research studied showed a correlation between the level of happiness as measured by the research survey and the level of trust people had in different countries. The results showed that countries where there was a higher level of mutual trust were also the countries in which people expressed a greater level of happiness. If you are really  curious about which countries came out on top: Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden. At the bottom of the barrel you could see names like Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, among others. Mmmmmm….Israel is not on the charts…

The Science of Trust

Without going too deeply into this very touchy subject, I definitely think that the topic is an essential one: how much trust are we building? 
We are living in a world that values constant change, competition, innovation and power- these don't seem to me to be the values which can most develop trust for us, as to me trust comes from a different direction: listening, appreciating, opening up, going the extra mile, developing relationship over time and over troubled times and turbulent waters.

Are we building trust in our interaction with the world? 
In my mind without it one does not get very far, sure you can make a quick fix, deal, move and attack without trust but you aren't going to be able to progress anywhere unless you cultivate a setting, environment and channels of trust. 
It's a basic human value of all societies. Start by trusting yourself…and me?...and then we'll be off and running…

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