Saturday, July 5, 2014

Meeting Life's Bummers….and Redefining Meaning

Wow! We hear and read so much about how to take life's tragedies and redefine and reframe for positivity.... but no words can match the power of seeing and witnessing something like this....awe-inspiring....sacred...

Jess Markt was going into his second year of college and was a high jumper on the University of Oregon track team when a spinal chord injury left him a paraplegic. 
He understood that he could dive deep into despair over his new future or he could simply embrace the challenge. 
He chose the latter. As it happened, Jess decided to take-on not simply his own disability, but also the traumatic disabilities of a very special group of people: Afghans crippled in the violence of the U.S. war against the Taliban.

What Jess did was "redefine meaning" in a life that turned from comfortable, competitive, successful and easy to one that was tragic, depressing, fearful and hopeless.
 It took him a few hours, then a few days, then a few weeks and then a few months, but then----he found his new meaning and he lifted himself from despair to service!

The following video says it far better than words. 
Jess sought out paraplegics from as far away as he could- Kabul Afghanistan- and brought them new meaning and a new life via what Jess knew best- sports.

To me, people like Jess are the real teachers, mentors and coaches of life….I salute them in body and soul!
The League of Afghanistan

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