Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Write it Down!

One day soon I bet people will just forget how to write. Amazing, ay? How in one generation or so people have lost confidence or need for pencils and pens and by the keyboard alone they live.
I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but what interests me more is not how we record things but why people just don't seem to want to put it down on paper (or "virtual paper") and that's a shame.
When you write things down they seem to somehow "move themselves".
And the more significant these things are the less people seem to do it- how many people do you know who write down their life plan, family plan, health plan, etc.?
If you say the word "business plan" something goes off in the brain which sees lots of numbers, long documents, fancy graphics or whatever, all seems somewhat threatening and tiresome.
However, writing down is not just a good habit, it is probably much closer to being ESSENTIAL than you would think!
Writing down your goals, ideas and commitments make them real for you. Every step you take to define what you want and what you need to do to get it increases the chances that you will actually pursue these goals and something will really happen.
Research has shown all this to be true: people who regularly keep a journal or some kind of written record pertaining to their aspirations are 32% more likely to feel they are making progress in their lives (Howatt 1999).
And we all know if someone FEELS they are making progress they are probably DOING something about it!
I have seen it in myself, in my clients who may be dealing with a change they need to make, a problem they need to solve or a dream they want to bring about. 


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