Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Upgrading the nuts and bolts of management

Everything has its details, its nuts and bolts, but if we get bogged down there we may never make it to where we need to be.
As a manger it is important to work powerfully from the "inside out" (inside= values + vision + passion), to never forget to get grounded and "down to earth" but be wary of getting stuck there when your job is to give guidance and direction to those who depend on you.
It is the art of self-management that one needs to learn and own, the language of listening and questioning well, focusing, prioritizing and executing.
There are countless areas in which a coach as a "partner" helps the manager improve his/her game, move it to the next level, get it to where he/she wants it to go- for example:
  • How to better run meetings so that more is done with less, meaningful talk that leads to tangible and effective action.How to motivate employees by means of authentic behavior, communication ,support and teamwork.

  • How to make goal-setting an art that works for you, one that guides and motivates employees.
  •  How to present in such a way that people hear your story, react and remember your story! One of the key aspects of my management coaching is to show you how to let the power of story serve your success!

  • How to upgrade your presence in your own organization, what it means to communicate effectively with your managers, colleagues and partners so you will get noticed and earn well-deserved credit.

  • How to make plans that are short, focused and get things off the ground that gets anything off in running in a short process.
There are many others…

What I see in my practice time and again is that what makes coaching so effective is that the agenda, spark and drive comes from you, the client, and as such the partnership really moves people ahead on the path to success.
It is a superb- and a sorely missed!- combination of the personal and the professional. It works

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